Formal Dresses 2020
So like
I get that a lot of designer clothes are only as expensive as they are because of their designer name, and I get that it seems pretty outrageous to most ppl.
But, wanted to remind the incredible amount of work it is to make apparel, and the cost of materials. Any high quality fabric can range from $12-$50 a yard (and MUCH more), and on top of that a lot of designers create their own prints and textures and have the fabric custom made.
Then, the patterning process its
elf is a lot of trial and error, as a lot of high end designers are always looking to be the newest 'thing' and to be the most innovative. There are no existing patterns for that. They make their own, which takes hours upon hours of drafting, redrafting, testing it all in cheap fabric, rinse repeat until it is exactly how they want it. And even though you might not be able to tell, and the clothes look plain, there is a tremendous amount of diligence and attention to detail. Every seam and crease was done on purpose. All their clothes are tailored exactly to the model, and I can tell you tailoring is extremely tough. To create an article of clothing that looks good on a soft, always moving body, to make it look good at all times, from all angles is an incredible feat. Formal Dresses 2020
A low grade, tailored suit should be costing around $200. It only goes up from there. A low grade prom dress should be costing the same, a lot of the times with most of the cost going to fabric.
And while yes, designers definitely do tack on an extra few hundred dollars just because of their name, it's still not too far off from what the clothes should cost, materials and labor included.
A good professional tailor should be charging $100+ an hour just for labor. Student tailors up to $50 an hour. That is not including the cost of fabric, the notions and closures it takes to make an entire finished piece. High quality stuff is not what you pick up at Jo Ann's (as much as I love my store). We have thread that costs $10-$20 a spool, and that's just the medium grade stuff. Clothing and apparel design is the same as any fine art. Even more so as a lot of it is expected to be functional and comfortable.
If you want good stuff you pay for good stuff. I'm just sort of tired of seeing people so surprised, and saying dumb stuff like 'you can get the same dress for cheaper.'
Like, no you can't. It isn't remotely the same, just because it looks so to the untrained eye.
Anyway rant over. Sleepy time. I would love to see some reactions and stuff to talk about on the topic >;3
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